话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > (混合)王座
本书标签: 二次元  娘化  拟人   



"while the world was still in chaos, there were two little boys, two little boys living side by side, one having the power to destroy heaven and earth, and the other having the ability to create all things.”


"the boy who is a little over a year or two older than the boy with the power of destruction once touched his head and said, you will be my brother, hmmm-hmm, you ll be my brother after that, and you ll be my brother, hmmm. What's your name? Ah! just call it Elemy, and the boy in the brown coat and the pale grey trousers smiled brightly. "


“Feeling the warmth on top of his head, Elumi whispered, the brother. Just tell Izzie to sing. Brother is older than me, born earlier than me, so there must be a rise, brother is the origin of everything”


“On hearing this, Izzie hugged Ilumi into his arms, smiled tenderly, and responded, OK, I'll call Izzie”








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