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我是不是很美走进社会时,每个人都怀有幻想,只是多少不一,但这是错的,即这时候,任何人都无力跟自己被逼进入的环境相适应。一般说来,之所以会出现这种情况 ,是因为期望值过高,对困难估计过低,想法太乐观,以至于违背了常理,活对人生持否定态度。引发早期意识的错误幻想有很多。

——卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格 《寻求灵魂的现代人》

我是不是很美When you walk into the society, everyone has fantasies, but it's just different, but it's wrong, that is, at this time, no one is able to fit in with the environment he has been forced into. Generally speaking, the cause of this situation is because the expectation is too high, the difficulty is too low, the idea is too optimistic, so that it is contrary to the common sense and the life holds the negative attitude to life. There are a lot of false fantasies that lead to early consciousness.

Karl Gustav Jung's modern man seeking soul.

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