话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 学习方法me-d903
本书标签: 现代 



曾美惠子Hello, everybody!

曾美惠子I'm Keiko Ceng Mei.

曾美惠子I'm glad to meet you here

曾美惠子My brother told me

曾美惠子Good things to share.

曾美惠子Therefore, I will share my learning methods with you for your reference.

曾美惠子I hope you will like it.

曾美惠子Thank you all

曾美惠子I will prepare for the exam during the May Day holiday.

曾美惠子As a junior high school student, I will find time to find a learning method that I think is very useful.

曾美惠子Thank you all

曾美惠子Good night, bye.
