话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 落日—余晖
本书标签: 现代  双男主 









I don't have the charm of reading poetry, nor do I have the ability to understand the path of life, but I know I like you. You are an untouchable flower sewn by me in the Jedi, the sunshine of the cold winter cypress, warm and bold, the only clear pond in the noisy cicadas of summer, cool and comfortable, the radiance that illuminates me as I chase the sunset, the only radiance.

I like you! You may feel that I don't know what true liking is, and I don't know what true liking is. All I know is that I want to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and enjoy the last ray of sunset, let that light illuminate us.

I will hide this love in my heart and bury it in the new year. My love cannot be expressed to you, I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble to you, and I don't want to lose my only ray of light. Do you know? I actually think a lot of times that if I don't want to live anymore, I should go die. Anyway, no one cares. Until I met you, I didn't think you would be sad because I left, but I would continue to live because I didn't want to leave you.

I love you, and I will keep this love hidden in my heart forever.




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