话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > CH:CountrySubtest
本书标签: 二次元  CH 

Forecast of Country Subtest


Welcome to new world

???Wait, wait.

???What happened?

???Russia.Why would US do this to us?

???I don't know, China.

???Hello,old friend.Long time no see.

???US,I know your target is us.

Who are they?

???Uk, Let's make the world a mess together.

???Ok.I agree with you.I want to make the world a mess,too

???And france,Let's make the world a mess together.

???Ok, I can do it.

???Hello, China.

???I'm japan,I make the world a mess now.

???Japan ,You are hateful.

???Why do you blame me? I didn't do anything wrong.

Japan is Dirty!

???I want deal with him.

???Oh, daddy.I want deal with him too.

???Oh, japan.Let us deal. with him together.


???Dad, i will try my best to do it well.

???Please rest assured.

???Ha ha, my daughter!

???I agreed with you.

???I also want to do it.

Intense Negotiation.

???US. You don't know.

???How much the world is suffering.

???You're bad.


???You're naive.

That turned for the later


Countdown to release.

Two days left.

WriterHi I am writer. My name is gropoe,Comments will be released tomorrow.

WriterI'll see you at the new world.



WriterI can tell you.

WriterYou will see many countries in my this Work. And it's about the country humans.


WriterIt's time I left.

WriterSee you at tomorrow.

WriterAnd my works.Amongst big adventure. Magic girl.A voice for future.

WriterWill also be updated.


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