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作者So today let's take a look at what the writing style you admire looks like.


Scenario 4

凋零(白羊)Pisces, why don't you hang out with me?

星雨(金牛)Don't listen to her, Pisces. Come with me.

莫璃(双子)May I treat you to a cake, Pisces?

曦柔(巨蟹)Sister Pisces bought you new clothes.

玖辞(天蝎)Don't compete with me for Pisces. It's mine. Whoever dares to compete with me will kill you all.

肆水瑬(天秤)You're not fair, Pisces. Why is it yours?

星愿(狮子)You're all wrong, Pisces clearly likes me the most. I always take it out on her behalf, okay.

沫雪涟(处女)You're not elegant either. I always help her tidy up the room. She didn't lose her limelight either.

At this moment, the shooter is secretly taking Pisces away.

魅蓝(摩羯)Stop and put down Pisces!

肆海茗(水瓶)Pisces, come with me.

妙可欣(双鱼)Oh my, don't argue anymore, sisters. Little fish loves you all the same. How about we go out and play together as 12 people? (Striving to be cute, super cute)

11 people all have nosebleeds

作者Are you familiar with it? Are you familiar with it, everyone. Have you ever seen it in the anthropomorphic circle of zodiac signs? Are you very familiar with it? Let's take a look back and see what you've all seen. Perhaps only Pisces themselves can accept it, but in fact, this is not as excessive as before. Comrades, our protagonist is too prominent, which is really not good. In my first book, I didn't dare to put Gemini first, so everyone is purposefully writing, right? So the balance has already tilted, right? A slight tilt is still acceptable, but it's not right to say that you are too biased.

作者The envoys of justice, the performance is coming to an end. Goodbye.

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