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本书标签: 游戏同人  花海  游同勤更王     



“You're making excuses for your incompetence, Olivia, as you always do.”Theodore看着她,秦祺很明白,她又一次让父亲失望了。


Augustus见情况不对,他明白Chloé说不上话,便急忙转移话题:“Mr. Thompson, what are we going to do with Mr. George's body?”


“Stay in China or return to the UK?”



Theodore没有多想,很快给出了答案:“Why stay in China? He's not Chinese, is he, Olivia?”他是对着秦祺说的。


Chloé一不愿面对这样的局面,二来不想让秦祺陷入窘境,“Theodore, why don't we talk, right now?”


“There's nothing to talk about when there's no time.”Theodore连一个眼神都没有给Chloé,转身对Augustus说道:“Let me know when and where you're ready. I've got something to do. I gotta go.”



临走前,Theodore对Olivia说了一句话,“Mind your own business, Miss Thompson, and stop doing nothing, because I don't want you to embarrass the Thompson family.”



“Father, I didn't... I really tried my best...”还没说完,Theodore已消失在拐角处。



Chloé只能轻拍她的背以示安慰,Augustus给了她纸巾,“Get some rest, Olivia. You've got a game tomorrow, so I'll take care of it.”


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