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本书标签: 现代 

Childhood(童年) 下


Next to us is Grandpa and his family. Grandpa's grandson is about the same age as me, and he always plays with me in his spare time. That childhood time made me miss and reminisce about it. Nowadays, my grandparents and brothers only get together occasionally during holidays or Chinese New Year in different places, and I miss them very much.(在我们旁边住着的是大爷爷他们一家,大爷爷的孙子与我差不多大,也总在闲暇时陪我玩耍,那段童年时光让我很怀念追忆,如今我与爷爷奶奶,哥哥在不同的地方只有过节或过年时偶尔才会聚在一起,我也十分想念他们。)

When I was a child, my parents were often not around and occasionally came back once or twice. My sister and I were not very close to them, and we didn't have a strong sense of belonging. I didn't know if my parents loved me, and I didn't know where they worked.(小时候爸爸妈妈经常不在身边,偶尔回来过那么一两次,我与妹妹跟他们都不是很亲近,没有那么强的归属感,我也不知道我爸爸妈妈是否爱我,我也不知道他们到底在哪里工作。)

I only remember very clearly one time when I was holding a piece of paper with my mother's phone number written on it. I stood on a chair and called my mother on an old-fashioned phone, but unfortunately, I couldn't get through. My grandmother picked me up and said they would be back soon. Since then, it seems that I have never called them again.(我只是十分清楚的记得有一次我拿着一张纸,上面记着妈妈的电话号码,我站在椅子上老式电话给妈妈打电话,可惜没有打通。奶奶把我抱了下来,说他们很快就会回来。至此以后我好像再也没有给他们打过电话。)

Another time my mother walked over from the house, and I stood in front of her. My grandmother told me that this was my mother, but I didn't react at once. I just stared at her blankly, unsure what to do because I hadn't seen her for a long time.(还有一次是妈妈从屋子旁走过来,我就站在她的前面, 我的奶奶告诉我说这是我的妈妈,我一下子没有反应过来,只是呆呆的望着他,不知道怎么办 因为我已经很久没有见过她了。)

Nowadays, my sister and I don't have much communication with them, and I don't know how to communicate. I lack a sense of security, and I'm not very good at "talking" or socializing. I'm very afraid of standing in front of the public, and many things can only be written down secretly with a pen and mouth. I'm afraid of talking to people and I'm not confident at all. I don't know what to do.(如今我和妹妹与他们也不怎么交流,我也不会交流,很缺乏安全感,我也不太会“说话”,不会社交,很害怕站在大众前面,很多东西只能以笔带嘴,偷偷的写下来。害怕和人说话,一点也不自信,我不知道怎么办。)

I think my sister is the same as me. She has a very irritable temper, which is probably a protective shell for her.(我想我的妹妹与我是一样的她的脾气很暴躁,这大概是她的一层保护壳。)



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