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本书标签: 明星同人 




相遇“Teenagers are always teenagers, they come like a gentle breeze”


相遇“Youth is not afraid of age, but there is still glory on the other side”


相遇“Youth has roses and starlight, as well as oceans and distant places”


相遇“The dream I guarded when I was a teenager, facing the ocean currents and riding the wind and waves”


相遇“The eyes of a young man are bright and clear, without any impurities, just like shining stars”


相遇“Young people have aspirations, serving the country and the people”


相遇“Teenagers have their own way, teenagers are crazy. My body is like mountains and rivers, with a strong spine. Dare to measure the sun and moon again. Only me today, young man. Dare to inquire about heaven and earth, and test the edge. Who can stop the thorns. The world laughs at me, I become stronger”


相遇“May you not disappoint yourself, and also be a young man in this world”


相遇“Chinese youth, full of vitality, set an example and become pillars, hoping to live up to their youth and good times”


相遇“Young people always have a fast horse and sail, with obstacles in the road and no turning. They should be grand, gorgeous, and loud. They should use the ideal Titanic to collide with the glaciers of reality, be like the wind burning the red cliffs instead of borrowing arrows and grass boats, and be willing to climb mountains for the sake of a sea”


相遇“Perhaps the gods do not bless, the stars are dim, the youth is there, and light and redemption are there”


相遇“Adolescent spirit, unparalleled elegance, completely unaware of the taste of sorrow. Things in the world are like chess, and the stars and rivers are swirling. Watching the changing winds and clouds, may you remain as young as that with your heart, heart, and courage”


相遇“The gods have confiscated human cowardice, so the youth of young people is always full of vitality”


相遇“Teenagers are teenagers. They don't like the spring breeze, they don't tire of the summer cicadas, they don't feel sad about the autumn breeze, they don't sigh about the winter snow, they feel lazy and wealthy all over, they don't dare to face injustice because they are teenagers”


相遇“Why not dream of picking stars for a young man, daring to wield a mulberry bow and shoot at Yuheng”


相遇“I want to buy osmanthus and carry wine together, but it's not the same. Youth tour”


相遇“Just like a young student, in the prime of life”

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