话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 翔霖:我俩是双生
本书标签: 明星同人  文轩鑫祺翔霖 



作者We will officially graduate in four days. That school uniform will never be put on again, the red scarf will never be put on that day, and it will never come back in six years. The last exam in primary school is related to our future life, so let's shine in the last exam. The persistence in the past six years is to leave our traces on this day. Next semester, the classroom will still be full of people, and the sun will still rise tomorrow. Our boyhood is over, and June 1 is no longer the day we expect. replace is the May Fourth Youth Day. Yue Yun, the anti-gold general in the early Southern Song Dynasty, said, " When predicate dress code was a teenager, he did not live up to his youth and knew it."


作者As a sixth grade student who is about to graduate, please put on your school uniform and a red scarf for the last time. pull out all the stops, don't let yourself leave regrets in the last exam! " Teenagers are not afraid of the long years, and there is still glory at that time." I wish everyone and themselves at the same time: have a bright future, get everything you want, live up to your youth and leave no regrets!


上一章 第十九章:求婚 翔霖:我俩是双生最新章节 下一章 第二十章:见家长