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本书标签: 现代  1V1  原创作品     




“hello,Professor Dole 。I am Chen Yuan's boyfriend.He has thought it over.Want to go your school is an exchange student.”


多尔教授觉得不可思议,他没有想过陈愿会想去做交换生,惊讶的说:“Really?Ok, ok, I will contact the school.”(真的吗?我会和校方联系的。)

多尔教授又继续说道:“to tell the truth,I didn't think Chen Yuan would choose to come to our school as an exchange student. Because when I started talking to him about it, he didn't show the expression and language he wanted to go to. He said consider considering, I thought there was no hope, but this reply really surprised me!”(说实话,我并没有想过陈愿会选择来我们学校当交换生。因为从我开始和他说这件事情的时候,他并没有表现出很想去的神态和语言,他说考虑考虑,我本以为是没有希望了,结果这个回复真的是太令我惊喜了!)

徐泞听多尔教授这样讲,看来陈愿是不打算去的,但是他不可能因为自己的一己之私而让他放弃自己的前程,“Professor Dole, you are joking. No, no, Chen Yuan wanted to go very much, but he was hesitating at that time. He was afraid that I couldn't accept long-distance love. He wanted to talk with me and ask me what I thought. Of course, I supported him unconditionally. I hope he will go to your school at that time and need your care!”(多尔教授您说笑了,不会不会,陈愿很想去,只不过当时是在犹豫,他是怕我接受不了异地恋,想和我聊一聊问问我的想法,我当然是无条件的支持他,希望他到时候去了贵校,还需要您的多多关照啊!)

多尔教授听了觉得徐泞是一个通情达理的人,“Ha ha ha, you are really a boyfriend of reasonable. Don't worry, I will take good care of him when he comes to my school. By the way, what's your name?”(哈哈哈,你可真是个通情达理的男友啊,放心他来了我的学校我会好好关照他的。对了,顺便问一下,你叫什么啊?)

徐泞如实说道:“My name is Xu Ning.”(我的名字叫徐泞。)

“All right, Xu Ning, I have something to deal with. The exchange students should be confirmed on the 9th, and you need to communicate with your school about the number of exchange students.”(好的,徐泞,我还有点事要处理,交换生的事应该在9号的时候确定,还需要和你校方沟通一下交换人数。)

徐泞开心的说:“OK,thank you!”(好的,谢谢!)


上一章 第十三章:我希望你变的更好 愿泞最新章节 下一章 第十五章:有夫之夫