话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 斗龙战士:潮汐
本书标签: 动漫同人  零熠恋  末画     



With the passage of time, the years are romantic, in a trance, youth is gone

Some people in the face of a bad day, will choose to open up, put down the knot and unhappiness in their hearts Others are stubborn and stupid, unable to get rid of sadness and pain

If your heart is tired, let it go Once you put it down, there will be more hope in your future life






No one will stop thinking about the pleasure of liberating your body, mind and body

t's not a big deal to lose people who always think only of their own interests in relationships

Your emotional entanglements in this life have been clearly written in the book of destiny in this life Whether all your emotional disputes will be futile and whether you will grow old together is your destiny in your previous life

One should not indulge in decadent people and things in life, but should not be swallowed up by decadent people and things and do not know how to deal with them

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