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本书标签: 短篇 



Why do you want to explain, why do you want to understand, and don't want to resonate with you, and don't want to make friends with you.(为什么要解释, 为什么要你懂 ,又不想和你产生共鸣 ,又不想和你交朋友。)

Rotten souls stink even if they are decorated with flowers.(腐烂的灵魂即使得到鲜花的装饰也会恶臭。)

I'm most afraid of sudden and irresponsible love. You just moved and didn't choose me firmly. You just loved me for a short time, but I remembered it for a long time.(我最怕突如其来又不负责任的喜欢,你只是心动过,并没有坚定的选择过我,你只是短暂的爱了我一下,我却记了好久好久。)


People with deep-sea phobia jumped into the sea, people who were afraid of heights jumped off the building, and people who were afraid of pain cut their wrists with knives. You said they couldn't think of it or wanted to open it.(深海恐惧症的人跳海了,恐高的人跳楼了,怕疼的人用刀割了手腕,你说他们是想不开还是想开了。)

Because I am gullible, because I am simple, because my feelings have no bottom line, because I am soft-hearted, because I always forget the pain, so I always lose.(因为我好骗,因为我单纯,因为我的感情没有底线,因为我心软,因为我总是好了伤疤忘了疼,所以我总是输。)




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