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本书标签: 现代 


【你逢人就炫耀你的红玫瑰 ,枯萎了要怎么收场。】

□You show off your red rose to everyone, how will it end when it withers.



□The wind has blown away our page, but the wind will usher in a new chapter



□All love is precious, but sincerity is better


【“海那边不是海了 是腐烂的鲸鱼 是漂流的玫瑰花瓣 是寂寞独行的鲨鱼 是藏不住的秘密和表达不出的爱意.”】

□"There is no sea beyond the sea, it is a rotten whale, a drifting rose petal, a lonely shark, a secret that cannot be hidden and a love that cannot be expressed."


【“少年的梦里有大海 有日落有蝉鸣不止的盛夏 和永不凋零鲜花”】

□"In the dream of a teenager, there is a sea, a sunset, a summer of humming, and flowers that never wither."



□When you test the hardness of a piece of glass, the glass is destined to break. In other words, once the suspicion is generated, the crime is already established. In a simple way, when you suspect the person, the truth is no longer important.



□No one can define the wind, the wind has no shape, let it shine



□When my heart is no longer beating, the dead crow sings for me



□In an avalanche, no snowflake feels at fault. But they don't know that it is not the last straw that kills the camel, but the accumulation of each straw


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