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Reading is a happy thing. For those who love reading, once they read it, they can't stop, they can't give up reading, they want to read to the ends of the world. Some people say: "the deepest and most peaceful happiness Calm down, open the book, the deposition of ink a little bit over the space, those dusty happiness a little bit open. Reading is really fun.读书是一件快乐的事情。对于爱读书的人一但读上就让人欲罢不能,无法放弃读书,想让人读到天涯海角。有人说:“人生最深最平和的快乐,就是静观天地与人生,慢慢品味出它的和谐与美。”静下心来,翻开书本,那些沉积的墨香一点点溢满空间,那些尘封的快乐一点点打开。读书真的很快乐。

Goethe once said, "to read a good book is to talk to a noble man." Yes, reading good books is like making good teachers and friends, which benefits me a lot; Reading good books is like bathing in the warm spring breeze, Reading good books is like finding the source of happiness, which makes me understand the true meaning of happiness.歌德以前说过:“读一本好书,就是和一位高尚的人谈话。”是的,读好书,就像结交了良师益友,使我受益匪浅;读好书,就像沐浴在温暖的春风里,使我心旷神怡;读好书,就像找到了快乐之源,使我领悟到快乐的真谛。

Life is picturesque, there are thick ink splashing, there are light pen light description; Life is like a song, there are light chanting and shallow singing, there are also Huang zhongdalu. You don't see the life of Li Taibai and Du Gongbu. They have created the greatness of life; Pei Duofei, Shelley's life, light pen light description, finally write the true meaning of life.生命如画,有浓墨泼洒,也有淡笔轻描;生命如歌,有轻吟浅唱,也有黄钟大吕。君不见李太白、杜工部之一生,浓墨泼洒,铸就生命之伟大;裴多菲、雪莱之一生,淡笔轻描终写尽生命之真谛。

You can't see Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" and Tan Sitong's "I smile from the horizontal knife to the sky, leaving my liver and gall in Kunlun".君不见轻音浅唱之陶渊明“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”,高歌猛进之谭嗣同“我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑”。

Spirit is a monument, a cornerstone, a beacon on the way forward, and a yardstick for a brilliant life. With modesty, rich and talented, Confucius slowly chanted that "if three people walk, there must be a teacher." he was not ashamed to ask questions, and eventually became a generation of Confucian masters.精神是一座丰碑,是一块基石,是前进道路上的灯塔,是灿烂人生的标尺。有了谦虚,学富五车、才高八斗的孔子缓缓吟出“三人行,必有我师”,不耻下问,终成一代儒学大师。

With tolerance, ambition and high spirited, Duke Huan of Qi abandoned his personal feud, appointed people on the basis of merit, achieved great achievements for thousands of years, and finally never threw away the Han envoys' festival in his hand. He cared for his motherland and eventually became a patriotic model for thousands of years.有了宽容,雄心勃勃、意气风发的齐桓公摈弃私仇,任人唯贤,成就千秋伟业,终成一代霸主;有了坚贞,寂寞忧愁、孤寂郁愤的苏武始终不扔掉手中的汉使族节,心系祖国,终成千秋爱国楷模;有了奉献,善良质朴、平凡无闻的徐虎才能够十年如一日,情洒百姓,温暖万家,终成当今的“活雷锋”。

Spirit, through the tunnel of history, across the long river of history, will forever support the towering and spectacular building of life.精神,穿越历史隧道,趟过历史长河,将永久撑起人生巍峨壮观的大厦。

Night, like ink drops on the canvas of the sky, permeates and faints. With a few strokes of the brush, there are stars. With a few strokes, the soft moonlight will shoot into your heart.夜,如墨般滴在天空的画布上,渗透、晕开,用画笔轻点几下,便有了星辰,再描上几下,柔和的月光将射进你的心房。

The firefly's light is as warm as the stars. The cricket took out his violin and played a beautiful waltz with the breeze.萤火虫的光足以媲美点点繁星,却要温暖几分。蟋蟀拿出小提琴,与微风合作,演奏出一曲优美的圆舞曲。

The stream is flowing slowly, like the conveyor belt of time, passing by a little bit. Flowers even at night will also send out fragrance, the fish in the pool spit bubbles, bubbles are curtain after curtain of dreams. The sky began to rain, one by one, bright to the extreme, beautiful and sad, as if that is the sky tears.溪水缓缓地流着,像时间的输送带,一点点流逝。花朵就算在夜晚也会散发芳香,池里的鱼儿吐着泡泡,泡泡里是一帘又一帘的美梦。天边下起了雨,一颗又一颗,明亮至极,秀丽且悲伤,仿佛那就是天空的眼泪。

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