话本小说网 > 灵异悬疑小说 > 规则类怪谈(合集)
本书标签: 灵异悬疑  惜华文社  规则类怪谈 





您已经运动 2000步(里程碑1),祝您身体健康,健身愉快

1. 生态公益林区,严格防范火患,请不要携带火种,刀具,危险物品上山。

2. 山林危险,请不要随意离开登山健身步道。

3. 水深危险,请不要在沿途的溪流或水潭中游玩。

4. 原大洛村所有村民已经搬迁,在登山健步路途遇见的任何自称大洛村村民的可疑人员,请不要相信,尽快结束与其的交谈并联系执勤人员。

Mount Da Luo Hiking Trail Notice (metal - brand new)

You have taken 2000 steps (milestone 1). We wish you good health and enjoy your fitness.

1. In the ecological public welfare forest area, fire is strictly prevented. Please do not bring fire, knives, and other dangerous objects to the mountain.

2. The forests are dangerous. Please do not leave the hiking trail at will.

3. The deep water is dangerous. Please do not swim in the streams or pools along the trail.

4. All villagers of the former Da Luo Village have been moved out. Do not trust any suspicious people claiming to be villagers of Da Luo Village on the hiking trail. End the conversation with them as soon as possible and contact the staff on duty.


您已经运动 2000步


Notice hanging on a roadside tree (wooden - relatively old)

You have taken 2000 steps.

Dear visitors, due to management reasons, the section of the hiking trail from 2000 to 8000 steps is closed until further notice. You can return the way you came. We apologize for any inconvenience to you.


上一章 大洛山怪谈(二)(海报) 规则类怪谈(合集)最新章节 下一章 大洛山怪谈(四)(2400步告示)