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《马嘉祺 斩了你的烂桃花》


柚点糕冷无偿单子《马嘉祺 斩了你的烂桃花》

底图鸣谢秦笺一 人物素材鸣谢张冉儿





In fact, any relationship does not end for no reason. Whoever decides to give up a relationship must have stood in the cold wind for a long time. Must have accumulated countless disappointments and grievances.


Because there are so many disappointments.. I don't want the other side to save myself anymore. Rome wasn't built in a day. Before saying the word "break up", everyone's heart has been drafted countless times. Only this time, instead of swallowing it, he chose to blurt it out.


Feelings are like this. One day, when disappointment reaches its peak, I will force myself to love you again. Stop. It's not that I'm weak. It's not that I'm afraid. It's that I don't think my efforts are worth it. You are no longer worthy of my trust. No one is stupid enough to hold a hot cup of water all the time. No one will be persistent enough to hit the south wall again and again without hesitation. No one has to embrace a plant covered with thorns even if it is scarred. We are all flesh and blood. So force yourself to learn to stop losses in time. When he didn't reply to your message several times in a row. When he broke his promise many times.


When he's hot and cold with you. You should just turn around and wave away. Don't wait and be disappointed again and again. You should empty your heart of disappointment. Refill with love bit by bit to meet the next right person. I hope you're not afraid or trying to force yourself now. Things change.. There must be a period of powerless unhappiness to be wasted.


So that you can be grateful for these bad days when you shine in the future. In fact, there is nothing that can't be put down. I'm just sorry.. Paid so many feelings to say no, it's gone. I love you many times in my own world.

Are you sorry. Separated because of that shit.


Do you know. What did I say on the day we broke up. How can I talk to my friends about you. But I still want to go to the temple and ask the Bodhisattva for your peace with the most sincere attitude.


I didn't bother you afterwards. You didn't contact me either. Although the contact information is all here. But never said another word. Some encounters. I don't even know whether to regret or thank myself.


Why don't you accompany her to get better. When he has a new lover, you will be jealous. He's single, and you're worried if he's still missing out.


Who can get love and time back. Whether it's a rainy day or a drunken night. Whether it's hot tears or a big smile.



Are not meant to be with you. It's not easy to get to know each other on and off. Go round and round. Don't be fashionable. There are thousands of kinds of love, but there is no one who can come back to be insecure. The harder it is to say when you want a hug and you don't want to say it. Just pretend to go, obviously love the unreserved opening will become as good as we forget it. These days are the most difficult for me. A lot of things make me breathless. I don't know what's wrong with me. Probably too tired, too depressed, too negative. When I see certain things and meet certain scenes, I will be very sad and can't hold back tears. Think you'll be fine without each other. Don't talk to people in the past late at night. Don't talk to the people in the past, and the people deleted in the past should not be added back. Say. Don't say goodbye to those who say goodbye. After all, if he has a bad life, you will be sad. If he has a good life, you will be sad. Why don't you accompany her to be good to him?


You get jealous when you have a new lover. If he is single, you will worry about whether he is still in the same place. Who can get back the lost love and time, whether it is a rainy day or a drunken night. Whether it's hot tears or a big smile. Are not meant to be with you. It's not easy to get to know each other on and off. Go round and round. There are thousands of kinds of love in the world.

A relationship cost me two lives. I'm only 20. I'm going the wrong way. \n One little angel has already paid for me..


On the night of his seamless connection. I am so sad that my whole body is shaking. My existence and months of affection have been caricatured like a joke by those who are known to show off.


Little friend, this is the eight months and four days we have been separated. I don't know how I got through it. I secretly watched you every day. I dare not go to find you. I am afraid that you dislike me. I really miss you. But like it, I have to learn to give up. I want to pursue the present life. Goodbye. Next, another girl will come to amaze your youth. I wish you peace and a bright future.


When we first met.. I didn't think about being tempted. I just want to make a friend. I didn't think you would upset me. If I had known the staying power was so strong. I don't know you.

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