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Chapter 05


Miranda lay on her bed--with a white sheet and black quilt. "Nick just said I was a freak, 'I' have no reason to kill him, then who did it? For which reason to kill it? Or it's a suicide? No…no, it was a murder with a perfect plan, it don't have any clue……" Miranda thought. "Come eat dinner!!" shouted Frank. "Okay--I'm coming--" said Miranda. Miranda get downstairs and get on table to eat, she eat very elegant, just like a princess who live in castles--but she doesn't, Miranda know she would never be. At night, she has a dream. She saw her friend, her "family", her teacher………died……She is awake, and thinking about the dream. "If this all true, then I must leave," she murmured "But if it just a dream……" She think and think and think and ……fell in sleep.


米兰达躺在床上——铺着白床单和黑被子。 “Nick刚才说我是个怪胎,‘我’没有理由杀他,那又是谁干的?为了什么理由杀它?还是自杀?不……不,这是一个预谋完美的谋杀,它 没有任何线索……”米兰达想。 “过来吃晚饭!!” 弗兰克喊道。 “好的——我这就来——”米兰达说。 米兰达下楼上桌吃饭,她吃得很优雅,就像住在城堡里的公主——但她没有,米兰达知道她永远不会。 夜里,她做了一个梦。 她看到了她的朋友,她的“家人”,她的老师…………死了……她醒了,想着那个梦。 “如果这一切都是真的,那我就必须离开了,”她喃喃道,“但如果只是一场梦……” 她想啊想啊想啊……沉沉睡去。

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