话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 暖心留言
本书标签: 短篇  励志暖心  正能量 



一,你可以喜欢森林 但你不能忘了一直陪着你的那棵树。

You can like the forest, but you can't forget the tree that is always with you


You and the evening breeze will embrace me this autumn.


People who applaud others are cheering for themselves


My feelings are more important than the truth. I hope you understand.

五,如果我在你那里没有位置 我会自觉离开 不留痕迹。

If I have no place with you, I will leave without leaving a trace.

六,好听的话不要听 感觉不到就是没有。

Don't listen to nice words. If you don't feel it, you don't have it.


But life is not a movie, and there is not so much going around.


I've walked a long way by myself, so why should I make do with it?


We are lucky from parallel to meeting

十,你是失望 是难堪 是填不满的黑色。

You are disappointed, embarrassed or filled with black dissatisfaction.


So I never stole, so I learned to peek


The more people you meet, the more you will know who you want to go back to


Time will filter out things that don't belong to you

十四,世界上哪有什么好人 只是坏的程度不一样罢了。

There are no good people in the world, but they are bad to different degrees.

十五,你一定不懂 我一直满怀期待的心酸。

You must not understand the sadness I've been looking forward to.

十六,深情藏在岁月的尘埃里 与绝望并存.。

Deep feelings hide in the dust of the years and coexist with despair.

十七,我分裂成两个我 一个疯狂爱你 一个替你爱我。

I split into two. One loves you crazily and the other loves me for you.

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