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本书标签: 现代 



1.True love is about letting her go and seeing if she returns. 真正的爱情是让她走开,并看看她是否归来。


2.It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. I'm not that evolved. 对那些讨厌我的人好,对我来说太难了。我思想境界没那么高。


3.Light is young,the ancient light,shadow are of the moment,they are born old.



4.我可残酷,但不可无良心;(Let me be cruel, not unnatural;)

我可用语言的利剑来刺戳她,但决不用真刃。(I will speak daggers to her, but use none.)


5.你和我各有一个苹果,如果我们交换苹果的话,我们还是只有一个苹果。但当你和我各有一个想法,我们交换想法的话,我们就都有两个想法了。"If you have an apple and I have an apple, and we exchange apples, we both still only have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange ideas, we each now have two ideas. "


6.I value my family above everything. 我最珍视的仍是家人。



Pleasure for the beautiful body,but pain for the beautiful soul.


8.Who are you , tell me how to love, and who am I tell you how to live.

是你教会我怎样去爱 而我应该教会你怎样去生活


9.I am no nobody's side,because nobody is on my side.我不站在任何人那一边,因为没有人站在我这一边。


10.Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting. 年轻真好,还可以为爱情所伤


11.Secrets have a cost. They're not free. Not now, not ever.



12.Friends make the worst enemies.



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