话本小说网 > 校园小说 > 最美的时光邂逅于你
本书标签: 校园  校园青春  甜美爱情 

1 语言班的四大课程















她们三人住在学校的半山腰名叫City View的公寓,这里的公寓都是独栋的,一栋有三层,每一层都是一个房间,房间里有三房的,两房的,一房的,还有厨房卫生间。她们三人目前住的是一房的。王瑶依和陈娜娜住房间,宫玥樱住客厅。她们三人置办好了一些常用的家具,也差不多准备开学了。周一,她们去学校报道了。

“Hello Iris, I'm your exclusive mentor Benjamin. I'm from  Britain . I'll be in the office every Tuesday and Thursday. If you have any questions you don't understand, you can come to me.”Benjamin说。

“OK, Benjamin. Can you recommend some English grammar books to me? My grammar is not very good.”玥樱说。

“No problem. You can buy this Grammar Workbook on Amazon. You can make it yourself. If you don't know how to ask me.”Benjamin说。

玥樱点点头说“:Thank you, Benjamin.”


“Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. I'm your writing teacher. My name is Margaret. Today, let's introduce yourselves and get to know each other." Margaret说。

轮到玥樱了,玥樱站起来说:"Hello, I'm from Shanghai, China. My name is Iris. I'm pleased to meet you."

"Wow, your name is the name of a flower, and I like it very much. Iris is very beautiful."Margaret说。

"Yes, I also like iris. One of the flower words of iris is to spread good news."玥樱说。

过了好一会,班上所有的同学都介绍完了。Margaret说“:Well, now that the students in the class know each other, our writing assignment today is to write a self introduction. We should write about where we come from, what our interests and hobbies are, what our ideal job is in the future, and why we want to take this job?”

上午的课程结束了,玥樱下了课后打电话给瑶依,瑶依说她们一起到学校的餐厅吃饭,学校有一家名叫Subway的,是面包店。他们吃了些,就回她们住的公寓City View.因为下午没课,所以她们中午睡到了三点起床,然后去了down town 的电影院去看电影了。这是她们三个出国第一次看电影,纯英文听力,没有任何字幕。看完电影后,他们在附近找了家餐馆吃饭,吃完饭回家,都准备洗澡睡觉了。周二,玥樱去上阅读课了,在阅读课上玥樱认识了一个男生。






“Hi, I'm Ben. I'm going to be your reading teacher. I like music. I have a guitar. Every day I play the guitar and sing. This makes me feel good every day.”


“Are there any singing students in our class?”Ben说。


“Oh, don't be shy. What's your name, the girl who just raised her hand? Why do you like singing?”Ben.

玥樱站起来说“:My name is Iris, and I come from China. I like singing because it makes me feel happy. I forget all the unhappy things.”

“Excellent,Your name is also very beautiful, Iris. You look as beautiful as iris.”Ben说。

玥樱听见说了声“:Thank you,Ben.”



“Hello, my lovely students, I come from Italy. My name is Cynthia.Hi, Eric, I didn't expect to be your tutor and your listening teacher.”Cynthia说。

Yes, I really can't think of it. It's good. My hearing is just so good. So can I ask you directly if I don't understand it in the future?吴皓辰说。

“Of course.”Cynthia说。


“Hi, my name is Fadi. I'm from Arabia. Nice to meet you. What's your name? Can I make friends with you?”

“Oh, Fadi, Hello, my name is Iris. I come from China. It's nice to meet you and I'd like to be your friend.”玥樱说。

“Well, I guess you are Chinese. I have seen you in school before. I think you are very beautiful. You are my type of girl. Don't worry, we are just friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend.” Fadi说。

“Yes, of course. By the way, are those two people sitting with you your own brothers?”玥樱问。

“How did you know that?”Fadi说。

“Because you three look alike, I didn't expect it to be true, and I guess it too.”玥樱说。

“Yes, our three brothers were born to the same parents, so they will be very similar. The tall one is my second brother Frank, the short one is the youngest Bray, and I am their eldest brother.”Fadi说。

“Oh, it's good to have brothers and sisters. I'm an only child. I'm a little lonely”玥樱说。

“No, the only child is good. There is no need to compete for favors. Four of our three brothers fight for favors.”

“You're right.”玥樱说。


“How do you do, my name is Mariana. I'm from France. I'm your oral English teacher. I'm pleased to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Mariana.”学生们异口同声说。

“Well, I saw my students from many different countries. Are there any from France like me?”Mariana说。


“Iris, would you like to have dinner with us tonight?”

“Sorry, Fadi, I have an appointment tonight. Next time, OK?”玥樱说。



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