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Don't look at the sun and moon, you are the stars.


I was selling sunsets, and you, like a god, generously cast your light on me, lighting up the world.


Want to go to a strange city with you, squeeze the city bus, go to the noisy market to experience the world fireworks find snacks in the alley, see gorgeous sunrise and sunset, all this is very ordinary, I can be a person, but you are the most beautiful.

想和你去陌生的城市,挤城市的公交,去吵闹的市场体验人间烟火 找寻深巷里的小吃,看绚烂的日出日落,这一切都很稀松平常,我一个人也可以,但有你最美好。

The order of appearance of life is very important, accompany you drunk people doomed to not send you home.


The wind rises ,wind falls, blowing through the wild youth, taking away some, leaving some, young mind said to the important people.


Snow was falling heavily in the dark.


I'm not going to make a book of poetry that ends in tatters. I'm going to make the most shocking chapter in the forbidden book.


"The world is getting more beautiful. I was alone, but at ease. I want nothing more than to be exposed to the sun. I long for maturity. Ready to die, ready to be reborn."


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