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本书标签: 现代  宝藏文案  文案     



"I give you, long before you were born, the memory of a yellow rose."


The moon does not know its serene, does not even know that he is the moon, the sand does not know that he is the sand. Nothing knows its unique appearance.


Any fate, no matter how long and complex, is really reflected in a single moment: that is the moment when he realizes who he really is.


Every traveler in our lives is unique. They leave some of their mark, and they take some of ours with them. Some will take a lot, others will leave nothing. It just goes to show that two souls don't meet by chance.


What struck him as distant was not the length of time, but two or three irretrievable events.


Everything that happens is catalyzed by a meaningful and immeasurable past, and is derived from a chain of cause and effect. Of course, there is no original cause, each cause is the effect of another cause. Everything points to infinity.


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