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It's like a hundred flowers hitting the spring breeze. When you see everything, everything is a cup bow. When you see you, you are startled.

像是百花撞了春风,见万物时,万物是杯弓 ,见你时,你是惊鸿。

You don't have to open your mouth, and I won't open my mouth to ask. The breeze is also mixed with sand and stones, and the moon is also covered with holes. It's hard for others to know why. It's good if you're safe.

你不必张嘴说 ,我也不会张口问 ,清风也夹杂着沙石 ,明月也铺满坑洞 ,旁人难知为何 ,你平安就好 。

The boy I like came up to the sky. He had no intention of overturning the candle and lighting the dusk full of my eyes.

我喜欢的少年打天上来 ,他无意掀翻烛火 ,点燃我双眸盛满的暮色 。

If you are willing, I will love you forever. If you are not willing, I will be lovesick forever.

你要是愿意 ,我就永远爱你 ,你要不愿意,我就永远相思 。

I hope to have someone like you. In this world, some people's love is like the refreshing wind in the mountains, and some people's love is like the sunshine in the ancient city world. It doesn't matter. It's just you in the end.

我希望有个如你一般的人 。这世界上有人的爱情如山间清爽的风,有人的爱情像古城世界的阳光,那没关系 最后是你就好 。

If the new snow is at the beginning of Ji, the full moon is in the sky, with a bright shadow paved below and bright silver flowing above. And you come to me with a smile. Between the moonlight and the snow, you are the third unique color.

若逢新雪初霁,满月当空 ,下面铺平着皓影 ,上面流转着亮银 。而你带着笑容向我走来 ,月色与雪色之间,你是第三种绝色 。

There are many things I want to say to you. I haven't had a chance. I took them through the season, skimmed over the viaduct, and spread them between the mountains and the sea. Flowers are in full bloom, and the night is a story. Dusk begins to write, and dawn is countless title pages. The whole world composes a poem, and I love you as the last line.

有很多话想跟你说 ,一直没有机会,我携带着他们穿越季节 ,掠过高架,铺在山与海之间 ,花盛开就是一句,夜漫过就是一篇 。黄昏开始书写 ,黎明是无数的扉页。全世界拼成首诗 ,我爱你当做最后一行 。

If I am formansk, then you must be the North Atlantic warm current, because you and I have become immovable port.

如果我是福尔曼斯克,那你一定是北大西洋暖流 ,因为你我成了不动港。

Wild roses are naturally proud, but they are only willing to bloom in the snow and only show it to the snowflakes all over the sky.

野玫瑰天生骄傲 ,却唯独愿意在雪里盛开 ,只给满天雪花看 。

Material determines consciousness. Subjectivity conforms to objectivity. Maybe you laughed when you first met, so later I loved you.

物质决定意识,主观符合客观,大概初遇是你笑了,所以后来是我爱了 。

You are my temperate marine climate. For me, you are always warm.

你是我的温带海洋性气候 ,对于我来说,你一直都是暖暖的 。

We will be together in this life. For our liberal arts students, this is called the community of destiny.

这辈子我们都要在一起 ,对于我们文科生的话来讲 ,这叫命运共同体。

You are my joy of seeing, you are my eyes, you are my gentle destination, and you are the reason for my mouth to rise.

你是我的卡见之欢,你是我眼神所向 ,你是我的温柔的归宿 ,你是我嘴角扬起的理由 。

Gibran, a liberal arts student, wrote a romantic letter to a science student. The Dindal effect of being born is exciting for liberal arts students.

文科生的纪伯伦浪漫写给了理科生 ,生的丁达尔效应对文科上心动 。

When I read history in the year of weak crown, I met you. Xu Guoyi and Xu Qing were seven feet tall.


In the name of love, I betray you for life imprisonment and execute it in my heart.

我以爱之名,叛你无期徒刑 ,在我心里执行 。

Dialectical materialism does not worship anything. In other words, I will love you against my philosophy.

辩证唯物主义不崇拜任何东西,换句话来说 ,我将违背我的哲学来爱你 。

When the Kuril cold current meets the Japanese warm current, it will warm the whole sea area, just as I met you.

千岛寒流遇到日本暖流时 ,会温暖整片海域 ,正如我遇见你。

You are Kilimanjaro and I am the equator. One day, I will melt your little ice.

你是乞力马扎罗,我是赤道 ,终有一天,我会将你那一点冰冷全融化 。

I have experienced many vicissitudes from civil law to civil law, just because I have become better to welcome your arrival.

我从公民法经历沧海桑田到万民法,只因变得更好迎接你的到来 。


洛染溪“山有木兮木有枝 ,心悦君兮君不知 。”

洛染溪“城是南京城 ,树是梧桐树 ,一句梧桐美,就满南京城 。”

洛染溪“我看众生皆草木 ,而看你唯是青山 。”

洛染溪“文科生的手不应该只写风花雪月和心上之人 ,还可以报复理想以及大好山河 。”


【图已授权 ,原作者出于小红书】

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