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本书标签: 小说同人  德拉科x原创女主  德拉科马尔福   

作者说 单纯聊天





朋友是我们会吵架 但是我们会和好 我们会有误会 但是我们都会解释清楚 我们的友谊只能增不能减





The fog of that morning lifted. Not just morning, not just fog

Is not become regret will let a person never forget

He really loves you, and he's more afraid of missing you than you are

But what could he do?

He has lost the family faith

Instead of spending your life grieving the loss of a loved one

It's better to let you give up and find someone who loves you more

A happy life, but he doesn't know it

Your favorite...

Only he

You dream about him late at night

The person in the dream is the person who can't talk when he wakes up

Everything that used to be about you, it was all romance. Then I didn't mention it. It was a pity

The road ahead is long, but there will be no more you and me of us

Have luck to meet, just this time, not lucky

Think without a word, never forget, want to see, love but not, the whole life, full of regret.

I just wish you all the best

With the king with the boat, to their return

1, this world which have what love can not be together, there must be a person lied

2, this world where there are so many lovers finally get married, just someone infinite patience

Which one do you agree with?

I am 2




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