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本书标签: 现代  追星文案  神仙文案馆     




神仙文案"At the beginning, maybe it was like this, but I saw that he had encountered all these things, ignored the slander of others, worked hard in silence, became better and better, and always maintained his kindness and integrity. Can I not like such a person?"


神仙文案"Zhuang Wenjie will have his own friends, his own life and his own love. When he goes to school, he will study hard. When he graduates, he will find a decent job and he will have a very happy family!


神仙文案No matter what you have experienced in the past, if you share happy things with others, your happiness will be doubled; Share the painful things with others, and the pain will be halved


神仙文案No matter what you have experienced in the past, what kind of person your father is, it doesn't mean what kind of person you are


神仙文案No matter what you have experienced in the past, even if you escape, you should escape to the dawn Avenue


神仙文案My craft is worth 3.5 million.

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