话本小说网 > 影视同人小说 > 综影视:幻想日
本书标签: 影视同人  老九门  回来的女儿     



白羊座的一半铜铁被半路杀出来的Jacob抢去 经过激烈枪林弹雨雷区扫射最后通过Brain的歪鼻子朋友用货机转运众人飞往新的目的地

Romanwhat we doing, Ramsey?

RomanWhere we are going?(有点不知所措)

RamseyI was able to decrypt the dats that came through woth Mr.Nobody's SOS, and i found GPS coordinates definitely included on purpose


LettyU know about Jacob?

RomanQuestion: who's Jacob?

LettyJacob is or was Dom's brother.

Romanoh my bad, im sorry, im just processing. Brother?u got a brother?!(震惊)

Romanwho also happens to be some kind of super spy with his own private army?⚔🛡

Romanwho drives literally like a bat out of hell?🦇

Romanwho preplanned an aerial jump✈️ and landed at the bottom of an airplane?

Romanwho does that?!

who does that?——A Toretto

Romanand who's Convina?

LettyConvina is Jacob's girlfriend.

Romanwow he still had girlfriend?!(二次震惊)

MiaTaj, u met her before in Brazil.

Tajoh, is she


LettyDo u think Vina knows where Jacob is?

Domno, i think Vina was searching for him too


Doman old friend


Jacob一人难敌其手 被Ramsey用电磁脉冲连车带人吸进货车里带回了地下基地

JacobSo what now, Dom?

DomNo one outruns their past and ur just caught up to u

Jacob.......(f**k that)

MiaThey need some times

Convinathx, Mia

ConvinaJacob, how doing these years?

Jacobu know my life,Nana

Convinai miss u so much

Jacobi miss u too


Convina(看了一眼门闸外的Dom)maybe u should tell Dom the truth

Jacob....no, i promise to dad never told him

ConvinaSo u are gonna keep fighting?



Convinai love u, Jacob

Jacobi love u, nana

Han的“死而复生”回归使大家震惊 随即Han给大家讲述这些年“持续装死”的经历 当初戴克肖去东京给欧文肖报仇 恶意把Han撞翻后点燃油箱想让Han在火花中消散 结果落空了 幕后黑手竟然是无名氏先生

原来是无名氏发展了Han 因为当年他观察到旗下特工吉赛尔从没未如此信任一个人

白羊座计划是由一对日本夫妇制造出来的 无名氏将白羊座分开成两个没有密钥就无法使用的铜铁 关于密钥无人知晓


这一切都被关在门闸后面的Jacob听得一清二楚 他很清楚Otto很快就能找到这里

配角nobody move everybody lives


Jacobim sorry,Mia


Convina难以置信的看着Jacob 眼神里全是他怎么会和这些人为伍?

JacobVina....(Otto...噢不!好吧 她还是知道了)

Jacob被放了出来 脸上略带些深深地笑意走到Dom面前

Jacobi was the rogue agent——me

JacobDom, u ever think about how Mr.Nobody found u?Think he just dropped out of the sky and chose u?

Jacobi ran missions with Mr.Nobody out of this place for years, I've been looking for that key for a long time. Dom,u just handed her over

Jacobi told u this is my world

配角Got it(Otto表示已经拿到白羊座的另一半铜铁)

DomGot a lot of guys here, u trust'em?

Jacobtrust this

Jacob....u know the only good thing to come from dad dying?

JacobIf he hadn't, I'd have spent my entire life in ur shadow

JacobAnd now u are gonna spend the rest of urs living in mine

DomOnly good thing about dad dying was he didn't have to watch what u became

DomU never deserved the Toretto name

Jacob(气死了)U think u knew dad huh?what,'cause u were his favorite?u don't know shit!

Jacobokay(摊牌)u wanna know the truth, Dad died cause he was trying to throw that race, we were in deep debt. Cause of how he felt about u, he had to ask me for help

Jacobhow was i supposed to know that car was gonna blow?

DomA good son would've said no

DomAnd a real brother would've come to me

Jacobcome to u?(冷笑一声)

Convinahe made Jacob promise u would never find out


当然除了Mia以外Dom也很惊讶 为什么Convina也会知道父亲死亡的真相却从来没有提起过

Jacoband through all of it...i kept that promise


Convina....take care of urself and come back home.

Jacob(低声回应)i promise

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