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本书标签: 明星同人 



少年就是少年 他们看春风不喜 看夏蝉不烦 看秋风不悲 看冬雪不叹 看满身富贵懒察觉 看不公不允敢面对 只因他们是少年

山有峰顶 海有彼岸 漫漫长途 终有回转 余味苦涩 终有回甘

“不是所有的鲜花 都盛开在春天 不是所有的河流 都流向大海 鲜花盛开在四季 河流流向八方 只要热爱 山海皆可平 无处不是风景.”

The teenager is a teenager. They do n’t like to see the spring breeze.There is a bitter taste of the rotation and the bitterness. "Not all flowers bloom in spring in spring, not all rivers flow to large sea flowers bloom in the four seasons.


If it is so easy to let go and forget, who will entangle it over and over, who will be humbled and the person who really loves how can you say that let go and let go, forget to forget, but forget the day when I really give up you.Knowing how sad I was so sad that I wouldn't stop crying, countless nights. I have survived myself. Only I know how much I am at that time. I almost think you are my future

I'm not so close to everyone. It's good to meet you. You are the first boy I said I loved most, the first boy I didn't hate after breaking up, and the first person who made me laugh regardless of everything. I really never shed tears in front of anyone since I came to you. After I separated from you, the people next to me asked me why others broke up and cried loudly, but I seemed to be very happy. They all thought that I had never liked you, and I didn't tell anyone about you and me. I always hid myself in my heart, but only I knew that I didn't dare to cry. I didn't dare to cry in front of anyone. It was also very sad.

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