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本书标签: 明星同人 



作者“如果一段感情没能把你变成更好的人 只是把你变得患得患失 喜怒无常 那真遗憾 你跟错人了 别把自己活的那么卑微 要学会适可而止 别人不明白你经历了什么 也不想别人能与你感同身受 很多时候想的完全相反 你的难过 你的无能为力你明白一厢情愿 有始有终.”

If a relationship fails to turn you into a better person, just make you suffer and suffer.You feel the same as you think about the opposite, your incompetence, you can understand that the wishful thinking is beginning and end.


Love does not necessarily have an ending, but it must have its special significance. I used to think that it was simple. You like her and like you. Now I find that the two -way person can find it so easily.I have chosen the right thing. The saddest thing in love is not to love, but at the end of love, there is no result. Sometimes people are like this. When they encounter big things, they will carry themselves., Later I realized that I was not indifferent,

It's a sudden tenderness. What I am afraid of not suffering, the fear is that the people around you are sad for you, not loneliness, and fear of disappointment.

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