话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 码字作者的日常
本书标签: 明星同人 


别问我为什么变了你试试三天吃一顿情绪消极两三年每天熬夜失眠四五点网吧一泡就是三五天饿了就喝红牛灌胃药喝大了睡街头忍受凛冽的风 忍着寒风蜷曲在小巷被路人当乞丐的感觉你再来问我为什么不快乐(原创轩)


要向前看日出日落风起风止花开花落 可以潇潇洒洒也可以唯唯诺诺 我永远属于我 永远是best gir




A positive answer has an amazing persistence, so I often think that in the past countless moments, there was a moment when you loved me. To look forward to the sunrise and sunset, the wind rises and the wind stops, the flowers bloom and fall, you can be graceful or submissive, I will always belong to me, I will always be the best gir. I've met a lot of people, but I've never seen anyone say they love me with tears shining. Because love is not enough, any distance is difficult to smooth the mountains and seas. The desire to share is sustained by response, and so is enthusiasm. Later, I learned that promises that couldn't be made turned into shackles. Let's pull the hook and finally become the person who gives happiness to each other, not the person who wishes happiness to each other.

What song is good with the person who loves? I really hide it now. Now everyone thinks that I am relieved.The people in life are just the biggest regret is that our last meeting did not look at each other at a glance, let alone say goodbye to the end

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