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本书标签: 明星同人 


“都想避风 谁来当港啊 谁也没有义务陪谁去长大 半路离开很正常 谁离开了谁也不是不能活 想走就走吧 不是我的留也留不住。如果一段感情没能把你变成更好的人 只是把你变得患得患失 喜怒无常 那真遗憾你跟错人了 别把自己活得那么卑微 要学会适可而止 别人不知道你经历了什么 也不希望能够跟别人感同身受 很多时候想的完全相反 你的难过 你的无能为力 你明白一厢情愿 有始有终”

"Whoever wants to avoid the wind is Hong Kong? No one is obliged to accompany anyone to grow up and leave the road.You become a better person just to make you suffer from being angry and moody, so regret that you and the wrong person, don't live yourself so humblely, you must learn to be suitable and stop others.The opposite is the sad you

If you can understand your wishful thinking, you can start and end "

怎么可能说放下就放下呢 其实我都还记得 跟朋友还经常提起你 每次提起你我都好开心 说那些让我开心的事 但一到晚上 我就忍不住 我不开心的情绪就被无限放大 常常崩溃 我真的很讨厌现在的自己 每天像一个偷窥狂一样 看你快手有没有更新 看你的主页 很后悔我们没有出来见一面 没有好好告别 没能说出我想对你说的话。

How can I say that let go and let go, in fact, I still remember that I often mention that every time you mention you, I am so happy that those things that make me happy, but as soon as I can't help but I am unhappy at night, I will be infinitely infiniteZooming often collapses. I really hate myself now like a voyeur to see if you are fast -moving. You have regretted it.

the words said.


Love is love. If you do n’t love, you do n’t love. Hesitating is not to love. If you do n’t take the initiative, you do n’t love. Leaving is to leave. If you miss it, you miss it. You are just a girl.Torture yourself. You always pretend that it doesn't matter. You always tell yourself. You can bear it all. But when you are really forgotten in a certain corner. You find that you can't afford it. You will be afraid.If he really loves you,

No need to say that he will refuse to be ambiguous for you. He will not return your information. He will not make you feel insecure. He will know that everyone knows your identity, but you see that she is obviously sad to die. HeDon't look back at you, you are still here to feel so kind, funny, do you take you seriously?

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