话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > 明弈:师父是狐妖
本书标签: 游戏同人  先甜后虐  师徒     





Her blandness made Hung-chien even more afraid, feeling that it was the super-warm stability of love, as if the ocean was calm after a hurricane, and there was a turbulent force lurking underneath at any time-the world of Qian Z******* in Fortress Besieged was far beyond our horizon, no matter how slow people walked. People who walk fast will not see more. What's really precious is what you think and see, not speed-The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton

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I don't care much about the success or failure of things. What I care about is that I like this job and am willing to engage in this career. If I still fail after trying hard, then I believe I will try hard-Follow Your Heart Jobs

The power of love made her break through worldly barriers several times to seek her own happiness, but selfishness and guilt immediately came to her side, filling her heart with contradictions and pains-anna karenine lev tolstoy

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