话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > 明弈:师父是狐妖
本书标签: 游戏同人  先甜后虐  师徒     



The saddest person in the world is someone who does not have enough advantages to show off, but disguises his poor inferiority complex with boring arrogance and boasting-The Weakness of Human Nature by Dale Carnegie.

天下最悲哀的人莫过于本身没有足以炫耀的优点,却又将其可怜的自卑感,以令人生厌的自大、自夸来掩饰——《人性的弱点》 ​戴尔卡耐基







作者大大It's a new article ~


作者大大I don't know how many readers read it. The most important thing for me is the readers who read my articles, but the most important thing is my wife ~



作者大大Ask for flowers ~ (even one can be used)


You probably didn't sleep well last night. I love you so much, baby. Don't give yourself a hard time in the future. I love you so much, and don't question my love. It doesn't matter if I don't sleep well, it won't affect you. After all, you have to exercise self-discipline for your little girlfriend's future happiness.

I'm hot and cold, which is a sign that I love you. I don't know anything. Think about it carefully, you love me, but it's my imagination. I'm sorry, Bao. I'm so insecure. The main reason is that I love you so much, and I can't help myself. I sometimes feel that I don't deserve you. Can you blame me?

明弈:师父是狐妖最新章节 下一章 第二章6.2