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江小姐一、人生有很多事情,不是不懂,只是无奈。 There are a lot of things in life, not do not understand, but helpless.

江小姐二、我不是没有脾气,只是害怕失去。 I am not without temper, just afraid of losing.

江小姐三、世界上最廉价的东西,大概就是付出吧。 The cheapest thing in the world is probably giving.

江小姐四、没有身在其中,何来感同身受。 You can't feel it if you're not in it.

江小姐五、勉勉强强的东西,都特别没意思. Things that are grudging are particularly boring.

江小姐六、就算步伐很小,也要步步前行。 Keep moving forward, even if your steps are small.

江小姐七、需要辛苦维持的关系,都没有存在的意义。 Relationships that require hard work are meaningless.

江小姐八、不是一句好久不见,就能换来一句别来无恙。 Not a long time no see, can exchange for a safe.

江小姐九、远方都要去看看,总有意想不到的收获。 You have to go to faraway places, always have unexpected harvest.

江小姐十、我坚信有一天,我会站在人群中闪闪发亮。 I firmly believe that one day, I will stand in the crowd to shine.


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