话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 星学院之璀璨星程
本书标签: 动漫同人  星学院系列  不拆官配     








"Never mind, we know at least one of their great secrets. "

Dorian jumped out of the window with the half-unconscious Philo in his arms, took out his card and said to Matthew, who was on the same road: "You can tell everyone to leave. "

Mei-xing was the happiest person to be informed that she would not have to stay here for another hour. She took Zhijiang's arm and left cheering

"Matthew, call the meeting. "

"Ah... Is. "

Matthew, who heard the order, seemed unable to believe his ears. Whats? Dorian, a lazy worker, asked for a meeting? What's going on here? Brain stimulation?

Although very suspicious, but Matthew or to call a meeting, heard the news of the Stars and restore just lost, pull the river loudly scold Lin

"Today I want to update you on the latest discovery of the case. "

Dorian sat back in the wheelchair, scanned the group, gave Rain Hao a case clue feed, let him read

Rain hao read: "tonight found the crime of the hands of the military resident. "

Matthew jumped to his feet when he heard this. What the hell is Dorian talking about? ! And then you don't even have a single sentence? And let someone else say... Alas, it seemed that he had thought too much, and dorian had always been what he was

"Why? Have you been struck by the seriousness with which I take my work?" Dorian cradled his head in one hand and looked innocently at the angry Matthew

Matthew was about to complain when he remembered that Dolin had given him twice as much work every time he complained, so... To survive, because... Half the work of the day and night team is already his, and if you double that, he's already beginning to doubt life

"Ah yes yes yes, the group leader so dedicated, let me ashamed!" Matthew tried to smile and kiss his ass

Dorian lowered his face and said casually, "In that case, all the work will be yours today. Aren't you going to learn from me?"

Matthew collapsed in his chair. There was no sleep for him today

"Cough cough! Get down to business! Have you noticed the headlines in today's paper?" Dorian asked with a glance

"Huh? What headline? Why didn't I hear that? Shouldn't you? How could someone as well informed as I be unaware of the headlines? "Lily was surprised.

"This...... See for yourselves. Dorian put the newspaper he was holding into Woo Ho's hand, yawned and said, "You pass. "

Yuhao opened the newspaper and saw that the picture attached to the headlines was a girl holding the championship trophy of the National piano Innovation Competition. However, there seemed to be something wrong with the girl's expression. Her eyes were dull and her face was pale.

"Is it a coincidence or inevitable that the piano fool girl won the innovation competition after suffering from 'crystal paralysis'? "Yu Hao can not help but read out of the title of the text

After all, this kind of thing, really... A little strange, or rather, fantastic...

"Let me see! "

Mei-xing heard this, immediately to strength, after all, she is mei-xing ah... Favorite star to join in the fun...

"Oh, meixing, be quiet. "Xiao Yue pressed mei Xing on her seat and said in a low voice," You can see it later. "

Dorian coughed twice and said, 'Well, well, so that's why they sent one man tonight when they knew we were coming. "

"They wanted to see for themselves if it was true. "










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