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本书标签: 影视同人  一甜到底  你微笑时很美简阳童谣     



这边童谣Susan,二人开启了血拼模式,终于停下来歇了歇脚,Susan打开手机就发现了微博热议,她本来就是个急性子,瞬间炸毛了,跟童谣说:Honey, look at the microblog


Susan“Congratulations, honey, you have to search again”(亲爱的,恭喜你,你可能又要上热搜了!)

童谣“What happened?I'll abandon Sunflowerwhen I come out with you!”(发生了什么,我和你出来玩就成了抛弃简阳了!)

Susan“Honey, you wait for me to send a microblog!”

童谣“thank you,Then I'll wait for you. I'll forward it later!”(谢谢,那我等你,等会我转发!)


于是Susan发文道:“I like smiling very muchBut you caused hers trouble. Now I'm very angry!In this statement, her and I are just friends. He has a very good relationship with Sunflower,No feelings, park Heng!This is my last serious statement,Next time I find out, your team is smilingNo, don't blame me. You're welcome!”(文字太长,不想翻译了,不然感觉自己在凑字数!这段话的大概意思就是如果他们在发表这种言论,后果自负!)

童谣第一时间转发了Susan的微博,并留言:“dearWelcome to China. It's nice to meet you!”(亲爱的,欢迎你来中国,遇见你真好!)简阳在看到微博的时候也留言道:“The day is coming, Susan. Should you give me back your girlfriend?”(一天也快到了,苏珊,你是不是该把女朋友还给我了?)


Susan“Smiling,I want to learn Chinese,Can you teach me?”

童谣“Of course, my pleasure!Your English name is SusanThen you should have a Chinese name in the futureIn order to facilitate your study, Susan in ChineseAs your Chinese name!”(当然可以,我的荣幸,你的英文名叫苏珊,为了方便你学习,那你首先需要拥有一个中文名字,就以中文的苏珊作为你的名字吧!)

Susan“Great. Thank you, honey!”

童谣“from now on你可以叫我谣谣!”

Susan“谣谣,Let's go back to the hotel!”


二人坐上了滴滴车,一路上,Susan都在跟童谣学习中文,到了酒店之后. Susan已经可以用基础的中文问候语来向大家打招呼了!

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