话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > TNT:新成员是巫师
本书标签: 明星同人  hp德拉科  TNT时代少年团   



韦斯莱:What, do you still want to hit me?(怎么你还想打我吗)


安德莉亚·马尔福Um ... Why not?(嗯…为什么不想呢)





韦斯莱:You leave the malfoy family for nothing.(你离开马尔福家族什么都不是)

韦斯莱:The malfoy family gave you everything you have now.(你现在的一切都是马尔福家族给你的)

韦斯莱:What qualifications do you have to beat me if you are a family bully?(你这个靠家族耀武扬威的人有什么资格打我)

安德莉亚·马尔福You're right. My family gave me everything I have now.(你说的没错,我现在的一切都是家族给我的)

安德莉亚·马尔福I am nothing without my family.(离开家族我什么都不是)

安德莉亚·马尔福But who let my family need money the most?(但是谁让我家最不缺的就是钱呢)

安德莉亚·马尔福Who makes my family powerful?(谁让我家权利大呢)

安德莉亚·马尔福Who let my family be the head of the holy 28 pure blood?(谁让我家是神圣二十八纯血之首呢)


韦斯莱:You did it on purpose! You look down on my family.(你故意的!你看不起我的家庭)


安德莉亚·马尔福No, no, I didn't mean to. I did.(不不不,我可不是故意的我是有意的)

安德莉亚·马尔福What's more, you mentioned your family history first. If you don't mention it, I won't say it.(更何况是你先提的家世啊,你要是不提我也不会说啊)

安德莉亚·马尔福Besides, am I wrong? My family is really powerful.(再说了我说的不对吗?我家确实有权有势啊)

韦斯莱:You ... You



卡西欧佩亚·撒旦Weasley, don't you think this is bring disgrace to oneself?(韦斯莱你说你这不是自取其辱吗)

卡西欧佩亚·撒旦When have you beaten Leah in the past five years?(入学的五年来你什么时候赢过莉亚啊)

卡西欧佩亚·撒旦How can you not have a long memory after losing so many times?(输了这么多次怎么就不长记性呢)

卡西欧佩亚·撒旦I want to come here to find abuse.(偏要过来找虐)

卡西欧佩亚·撒旦How did you get into Ravenclaw when you said you were so stupid?(你说你这么傻是怎么被分进拉文克劳的呢)

卡西欧佩亚·撒旦I am a Slytherin, and I am ashamed of Ravenclaw.(我一个斯莱特林都替拉文克劳耻辱)

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