话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > 在AU校园?
本书标签: 游戏同人  undertale  传说之下同人AU     



Reapertick-tock have a favourite hour? not one? well it doesn't matter there's not a second that slips, unnoticed or ignored so many events that take place time's like an eternal keepsake holds all the good memories and the one's not so fun well we both make mistakes why should i help another i'm on stand by shut down hear no speak no evil i wish i could rewind i have direction but i don't have control of time there's just so many questions i know i will regret tick-tock times up! look stranger i'd rather just stand by tick-tock have a favourite hour? not one? well, it doesn't matter there's not a second that slips, unnoticed or ignored so many events that take place time's like an eternal keepsake holds all the good memories and the one's not so fun well we both make mistakes and choose to do wrong when down on our luck when some can't go on we blame the tick-tock that ticks to our song a second too soon an hour far gone though i hear are echos still better keep my eyes closed sometimes the truth is awful and well i'd rather not know there's not a light inside me just a flikering flame how you inspired others i'll never understand it shut down hear no speak no evil i wish i could rewind i have direction but i don't have control of time there's just so many questions i know i will regret why should i help another i'll just survive on shut down hear no speak no evil i wish i could rewind i have direction but i don't have control of time there's just so many questions i know i will regret tick-tock times up! look stranger i'd rather just stand by though i hear are echos still better keep my eyes closed sometimes the truth is awful and well i'd rather not know there's not a light inside me just a flikering flame how you inspired others i'll never understand it shut down hear no speak no evil i wish i could rewind i have direction but i don't have control of time there's just so many questions i know i will regret here take a ticket welcome to my paradise now knock knock, who's there? knock knock, laughter knock knock, who's there? knock knock, laughter

跑龙套静静地听着鸟儿歌唱 慢慢的看着花儿绽放 地狱中的灵魂在燃烧 散发幽幽芳香 站在繁花的长廊上 诉说你我的悲伤 熟悉人物 熟悉地方 却不熟悉的模样 正当我是迷茫时 只有你在为我鼓掌 我却选择 伤害对方 只为笑一场 这便是我的故事 只恨过去的残暴过去幻想过去无知 我该用什么来补过? 请你告诉我 事已经悄然过去 影响却从未消逝从未变化未完待续 我该用什么来补过? 请你告诉我 影响却从未消逝从未变化未完待续 我该用什么来补过? 请你告诉我 美好的开端 罪恶的收场 风雨中那荡尽的繁华 我一定要全部拾起它 天堂中的灵魂流着泪 就自我拯救吧 新的故事 新的开始 只为救赎我的过去 只为不留遗憾此世 这是我的决心 那是我觉醒之时 太阳升 荡繁尘 我的心已... 静静地听着鸟儿歌唱 慢慢的看着花儿绽放 再见吧

跑龙套Listen and hear a song the birds are singing 听着鸟儿们在歌唱 Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming 坐下来看着花儿慢慢盛开 A pleasant breeze flows by 一阵风微微吹过 ...Leaving a trail of dust 留下一丝尘埃 This... 这...... Is... 是...... Your... 你的...... Fault...right? 错......对吧? Standing in the corridor 站在走廊里 Who thought we'd be here like this together? 谁会认为我们会像这样对待? On a gorgeous day like this,I ask... 在这样一个美好的日子里,我问你...... What is it that you want? 你想要什么呢? I believe there was a time 我相信有一段时间 Where we could be pals and things were better 在更好的地方我们会成为朋友 Eatting bad food 吃着难吃的食物 enjouing laughs... 享受着欢乐...... Can we go back to that? 我们还能回到那时候去吗? If you're in there listening,kid... 如果你在听的话,孩子...... Just reset the time line 就将时间线重置 And let's please forget all of this 也让我们忘掉这一切吧 Even after what you did he believed in you 无论您做了什么他也相信你 'till you end... 直到最后...... Looking at your face right now 看看你现在的脸 That expression tells me 那表情告诉我 I can't afford not to care anymore 我恐怕不能再做事不管了 Turn this path around,wipe your dirty hands clean. 围绕着这条路,擦干净你肮脏的手。 Give up! 放弃吧! Please don't come back 请不要再回来 If you'er my friend 如果你是我的朋友 Please... 拜托了...... Listen and hear a song the birds ane singing 听一听鸟儿们在歌唱 Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming 坐下来看着花儿慢慢盛开 A pleasant breeze flows by leaving a trail of- 愉快的微风中流淌着遗留下的痕迹 How counldyou have done this? 你怎么能这样做呢? Is there still a glimmer of hope? 还会有一丝希望吗? Will you choose to do the right thing? 你会这样去做对的事吗? Please now,bud 请现在,呼~ If you're there 如果你在哪那里 Have a change of heart 心有余悸 Listen and hear a song the birds ane singing 听一听鸟儿们在叽叽喳喳地歌唱 Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming 坐下来看着花儿慢慢盛开 What a nice day... 多么美好的一天啊......

跑龙套感受那鸟儿歌唱花儿绽放 美好的日子却要互相残杀 看看那充满“爱”的扭曲脸庞 是否不成人样 在最后的审判庭 你的仁慈在这已看不清 为什么你会走到这里? 难道是好奇心? 在那完美的时光 拯救了大家摧毁了屏障 再次睁眼看见的却是 尘埃飘扬 如果你还能感觉 就重置时间线 忘记一切一起回到从前 他愿意相信你而你却选择 抹 灭 如今我已经发觉 我明白不能袖手旁观让你继续向前 找回你的仁慈宽恕这世界 往 回 停止 战斗 —很短的停顿— 还是 朋友 —还是小停顿— 感受那鸟儿歌唱花儿绽放 美好的日子却要互相残杀 看看那充满“爱”的扭曲脸庞 是否不成人样 —有点长的停顿— 回头还有一丝曙光 只要将杀意给遗忘 不 要 怕 不 要 慌 只 要 你 放下 感受那鸟儿歌唱花儿绽放 美好的日子却要互相自残杀 持续回荡








































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