话本小说网 > 古代小说 > 我穿越后的经历
本书标签: 古代  根据梦境改编 

Fan Wai


作者I'm very happy today!

作者I'm going to write Fan Wai!

麻杏止咳片I'm coming.

麻杏止咳片Why English?

作者Because I like English

麻杏止咳片I don't care about you


乱无尘无乱This is a preview of the next episode

作者Go away! Don't get through the play

作者The story of a little boy

作者That little boy is my good friend

作者He is a ghost

作者We met in a dream

作者He's cute

作者He wants me to play with him often

作者But I can't die

作者He came to me

作者I'm very happy.

作者He died with her mother

作者When I first met he He was wet all over

作者I think of him as a water ghost

作者He is a very cheerful little boy

作者Although he's dead. But he's still happy

作者I don't understand

作者But I sympathize with him

作者I took him in

作者We often play together

乱无尘无乱He finally lied to you

作者Go away. Don't make trouble

乱无尘无乱What happens

乱无尘无乱Please listen to the next chapter

乱无尘无乱Bye bye

作者I'm not finished yet

乱无尘无乱Let's go, let's go! Wang Zixuan attends class

作者well. Let's go, let's go

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