话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 浪漫之满屋文案
本书标签: 现代  情感文案  文案小说 




In fact, girls can eat anything.Only can't eat grievances, a move, a look, a sentence, one will not come back, you can make her quiet and silence.Let her completely become another person ..




There is always such a girl around us: she loves a boy in her heart, very self-abased, living in a corner we can't see; she is very strong, but often feels lonely, crying when she is alone, whenever it rains, whenever she holds an umbrella, she will think of her. Her eyes rained for him, but her heart held an umbrella for him. She lost weight, not to make herself beautiful, but to make him fall in love with her. She wanted to say to him that when she became beautiful, could she make friends with him? Can I call him? She just wanted him to look at herself one more time, even if it was only one time. \n "My empty ring finger is always waiting for your ring."


沐璃辰你敷衍的太明显 我怎敢再主动

抠脚大佬Your perfunctory is too obvious, how dare I take the initiative again


沐璃辰我只是不理解 那些属于我的回忆,怎么只有我记得

抠脚大佬I just don't understand how those memories that belong to me can only be remembered by me.


沐璃辰好奇怪 你好像很在意我 又好像不在意我.

抠脚大佬It's so strange that you seem to care about me and you don't seem to care about me.


上一章 第二十一章 浪漫之满屋文案最新章节 下一章 可惜我们性别相同 你又恰好古板