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本书标签: 动漫同人  烦人的村民 




创世神notchAre you ready for your nap, Lord of Doom? Help me with Morian.That’s what I’m giving you

灾厄之王Got it,I’m going to do that



实体303The Lord of doom and his golems are coming, Morian, are you ready to fight

末影ShiningI know. An iron puppet has arrived

灾厄之王Long time no see,Morian

末影ShiningIt seems that this war of destiny is inevitable. Let’s go to war


末影ShiningTornado gun


末影ShiningMovie Ninja· Stars


灾厄之王It seems this war is inevitable, Morian

末影ShiningLooks like this fight’s GonNa last a long time

灾厄之王In that case, let’s call a truce


灾厄之王Notch told me about you. Your name wasn’t Morian, it was cold heart

末影ShiningIt seems that notch has told you everything. Yes, my original name is cold heart, but that was my name when I joined notch. I joined notch for a while and found that he wanted to solve my “Unknown”problem, i had to leave without saying anything. I trained and got stronger. I joined notch under another name, but then I met him -- I saved him, betrayed notch, and became an enemy forever

灾厄之王I’ve had my share


灾厄之王I used to be the head of an army under the King of the villagers’kingdom, and in a cruel place where the marauders fought each other, there was a growing tendency for the marauders to stand on all fours, and my tribe was getting weaker by the day, at this rate, my tribe will be gone forever. Gone


灾厄之王In my discussions with the rest of the tribe, I mentioned fighting with other tribes, but it would probably kill them all

末影ShiningThen what do you think of this

灾厄之王In my discussions with the rest of the clan, I mentioned fighting with the other clans, but it would probably kill them all, but if I ran away, there would probably be an encounter, but we were Stuck in the Middle, notch sent the Alpaca to represent the gods in a contest, the winner will be given a mysterious gift, we found the opportunity to turn over a new leaf


灾厄之王We arrived on the day of the race, and the rule is that only the winner gets out alive, but to change the tribe, we had to stand up no matter what, and by the time we got to the finish line, our bodies had reached their limit, my brother inspired me with his last strength, but I just wanted to rest for a while, but the moment my axe came to life reminded me of the promise I had made to my brother, I made it and I was the only survivor, and when I got back, things had changed, what I had to protect was gone, but I didn’t let my brother down, and I grew stronger after that

末影ShiningYou followed your own wishes, but you have to guard not only your brother, but also your own kind. The battle between me and notch has involved too many people. My task is to organize more people to join in, or the death toll will be even higher


末影ShiningAfter all this time, it’s time to get back to the point. Our fight is not over



灾厄之王This is not the way. I have to go back and tell you about notch first


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