话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 命运—相遇
本书标签: 动漫同人  烦人的村民 




末影ShiningOnce upon a time, I was found in a gray area. A villager found me and took me back. Since I was almost all Brown and only had blue eyes, they all thought me a strange man, but I left here by myself in silence

克里斯And then what

末影ShiningThen I sat down under the tree by myself. I thought I was too weak. So I began to train myself. So after several hundred years, I met a bald ladybird and notch while I was training. I got into a fight with him on high alert, only to find out later that he meant no harm, and he wanted me to join him, so I had to say yes

克里斯What happened next

末影ShiningLater, when I was on a mission, I found him and notch’s genesis battle, in which he was seriously wounded. I saved him after notch left and healed him. I talked to him for a few minutes and then left and told him how I had summoned him, we made a pretty good team. But it wasn’t long before mustard found out about my defection, and he told notch that notch had started to issue a warrant for my arrest, and more and more people, both gamers and villagers, were getting it

克里斯And after that

末影ShiningMore and more people were involved in this fateful battle between me and notch, and I had to train myself to be better in the face of the players

#克里斯Looks like you got a lot on your plate

末影ShiningI must stop more men from joining this war, or the death toll will be higher

克里斯Then why are you here

末影ShiningI’m here to investigate the origin of the new version of the villagers


末影ShiningIt’s getting late. Let’s go first


上一章 末影篇·进入禁林 命运—相遇最新章节 下一章 notch之败