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本书标签: 动漫同人  烦人的村民 






实体303Who Are You



实体303What’s the matter with you

史蒂夫My men are dead. I don’t know what to do


实体303Honestly, he will appear in your dreams. Over and over, I have the same dream. He’d say the same thing. Every time, he’ll say they’re trying to trick you, that they can’t get you interested. Think about it. Ask Yourself, what’s real? What’s real? WHO’s the real enemy here? . Ask yourself again and again... Remember the truth, it doesn’t have to justify... I can help you with that. I can help you achieve your wishes, I can make you stronger, let your mind know what’s holding you back.

史蒂夫What do you mean

实体303Everyone has amazing potential, but they suppress it. They become their own worst enemy. Isn’t that true for you? ... I can help you face who you are, what you’ve been avoiding for so long...

史蒂夫I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know who I am. I know...

实体303You’re lost, aren’t you? You are so lost that you lose your way, but don’t be afraid, because you will find your true self, and because you are here all the time, unfortunately, so many people have lost their way, they are looking for themselves everywhere, ... But never pay attention to here, they often with their own sadness and regret, not to this will drag them down, do not know that they have now can drop everything...

史蒂夫I don’t understand... what the hell are you talking about

实体303Travel within yourself, talk to yourself, talk to that part of yourself that you’ve been ignoring for so long, that part you’ve been avoiding, but I’m not sure what’s going to happen, much of what’s going to happen is going to be up to you, ... All of you, ask yourself, what have I been hiding from myself...

史蒂夫Why... why are you helping me

实体303Because I made a promise a long time ago... Besides, isn’t it normal to help a lost person find his way home?

史蒂夫Thank you

实体303It's not a big deal


烈月Where are we

西诺I don’t know. There’s a guy. Let’s go ask him. Hey, where are we


西诺There’s something wrong with this player’s eyes. Let’s go

魔王HimThere’s no way you’re leaving

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