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本书标签: 小说同人  卡修斯是女孩 

Chapter 2


卡修斯And I shall tell you everything, about my life, about Classilou's life……

卡修斯It all started a month ago……

(A month ago)

老师Okay class, tomorrow is parents' night. Make sure your parents come to school. Did I make myself clear?

卡西露Yes, teacher.

老师Oh, especially you, Cassius. I've never seen your parents. Don't forget to tell them!

卡西露Okay, I promise I won't forget about it again.

盖亚(whispers)Hey bro, d'you think her parents are going to show up?

雷伊I don't give a shit, alright? Who cares.

盖亚WHAT! You don't care! Holy shit! How many pussies have you seen!

雷伊Wait, is that a joke……Fuck you you massive dickhead! You wanker! Stop that!

老师Hey, boys in the back……No swearing please……

老师I'm fed up.

雷伊Yeah yeah yeah……sorry.

盖亚I promise that I won't swear again……probably.

老师Okay……anyway, back to the topic.

老师We'll show your parents your monthly exam scores, and I'll tell them about your behavior at school.

老师Do you understand?

卡西露Yes, teacher.



老师Uh……Okay, class dismissed.

The bell rings, and the students walk out of the classroom.

盖亚"Hey boys in the back……"did you hear that shit? Lmao!

雷伊Yeah, how he said that……sounds like an idiot!

卡西露Excuse me, are you two speaking ill of the teacher?

卡西露It's rude, so please stop.

雷伊WTF? Who do you think y're? Pretending to be the "teacher's pet" again? Listen, you didn't even dare to invite your damned parents to school! We all know you got Cs last semester, dumb ass.


盖亚What ya gonna do? You gonna cry? Or be a tattletale? You're a complete loser, Ms.Cassius.


卡西露I'm sorry……

雷伊Oh shit, she really cried.

卡西露(runs away) I'm gonna tell mommy……


雷伊I told you it's gonna happen!

I dont wanna write anymore…… so im gonna quit here hhhhh

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