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There is only one moon on earth, it is lifeless, scarred by asteroids, but a symbol of romance. Long case to everyone! 1. Hope, the wind in winter is soft, the street music is soft, the sweet taste of chestnuts fried in sugar is soft, the cotton-padded clothes are soft, the fish balls become soft in the small pot, the seats in the cinema are soft, your hands and arms are soft, and I want to put a soft heart, to go to the soft future, good dream. 2. Give time time, let the past pass, let the beginning begin. Make you sad things, one day, you will say it with a smile. 3. You will always meet someone who puts you first, who says "good night" to you every day, and you will have a decent, real relationship with them. 4 time is quiet, years are safe, love and be loved, quiet and warm. Quietly and gracefully return to your true self, simply be happy, be happy. To meet the friends who make me happy, to love the people who won't make me cry, to go in the direction you want to go, to complete no matter how big or small dreams, life should be beautiful and gentle, I also.

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