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本书标签: 影视同人 



过了两天妙妙出院了,尼娜教授和妙妙同学都来接妙妙回家了,妙妙抱着教授“教授你不知道这几天我呆在医院都快憋疯了,我回到家要吃你做的鸡翅包饭和披萨还有你做的西餐!” "Professor, you don't know I'm going crazy in the hospital these days. I'm going home to eat your chicken wing rice and pizza and your western food!"

尼娜教授:好的回去给你做三一我们帮她收拾东西就出院吧这医院估计妙妙也憋坏了就像坐牢一样!Professor Nina: OK, go back and make you Trinity. We'll help her pack up and get out of the hospital. This hospital is probably wonderful and suffocated, just like prison!

妙妙两同学扶着她,“妙妙走吧我们回家啦,到时候我们可都要做宝宝的干妈哦钱你肯定会答应的吧!”"come on, let's go home. Then we'll all be the baby's dry mothers. Oh, you'll say yes to the money!"

钱三一:当然没问题,不过头号干爸干妈有人预定了就是天昊和小琪你们都见过的!Qian Sanyi: of course, no problem, but the number one father and mother have made a reservation, that is, Tianhao and Xiao Qi, you have all met!

妙妙同学:没问题的,只要有干妈做我们就心满意足了妙妙我们爱死你了!Wonderful classmate: no problem, as long as there is a dry mother to do we will be satisfied with the wonderful we love you!

妙妙:不知道两位干妈啥时候给宝宝找个干爸啊,宝宝我们赶紧让干妈给我们找个干爸好不好啊?Wonderful: I don't know when the two dry mothers will find a dry father for the baby. Baby, let's get the dry mother to find us a dry father, okay?

妙妙两位同学立马不说话了,“你们两个比妙妙还大两岁是得抓紧时间找对象了哈!”"you two are two years older than Miao. You have to hurry up and find someone!"

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