话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > LastKiss
本书标签: 二次元  adventure  comic     

Chapter 24


Tony was still standing in front of the hole made by his fist in the wall, when the voice of Jarvis boomed from the ceiling. "Sir, the simulations are finished. Do you want me to give you a report?"

Tony shook his head to get his mind straight again. "Jarvis, am I that selfish?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"Selfish." The AI repeated. "Devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare regardless of others." Jarvis stated. "This definition could suit you indeed, although it is not completely what you are, Sir."

"Thanks J." Tony said ironically and bitterly, while turning to join his workshop

"At your service, Sir." said JARVIS, not understanding the emotions in Tony's voice.

"Ok, so show me what you have, JARVIS." Tony asked while reaching his workshop

"It seems that the production of vibranium by Dane's body won't be toxic for him. Actually, it seems that could even be the contrary." said Jarvis.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked while removing his iron man suit.

"The element seems to be supplying Dane cells in energy. My simulations are showing that his cells will be more stable and resilient than regular cells. The mutations observed in the DNA of Dane lead to the production of an unknown protein. I will have to have access more samples to identify its role and implication." Jarvis paused and then concluded. "In all the projections I ran, it appears that Dane could develop, in the future, physical aptitudes greater than Captain America himself."

Tony sat on his chair trying to process all the information that Jarvis just gave him. Everything started to make more sense to him. Why would SHIELD spend so much money, time and agents on Pepper and Dane's surveillance if it was not benefitting them? "Jarvis, do you think the SHIELD came to that conclusion already?"

"It is very likely, sir."

"Son of a bitch." Tony said, banging his fist against the table. "Jarvis, can you localize Pepper and Dane."

"They are currently at the medical facilities of the SHIELD, Sir"

Hearing the answer, Tony went straight to his Audi R8 V10 Plus and left the mansion in direction of the SHIELD facilities.

Pepper and her mum waited in the waiting room while doctors took care of Dane. Suddenly a doctor came into the room, and the two women stood up together in one single movement.

"How is he doctor?" Pepper asked anxiously.

"He is ok, Miss Potts," the doctor answered calmly. "He is doing very well and his fractures are healing… very fast."

"What do you mean 'very fast?'" Pepper asked. Even more worried now

"Nothing Miss Potts, just that he is doing very well." he paused and then added. "He is awake, you can go to see him if you want."

The last words of the doctor made Pepper forget all her other questions; now she just wanted to see and hug her son. "Yes please" she said eagerly.

"Follow me." The doctor gestured as he was already opening the door leading to a long corridor. When they arrived in front of Dane's room, the doctor warned them. "He is still very tired, so be careful."

Pepper thanked the doctor and entered the room followed by Edna. Dane lay in the big white bed, his eyes open and staring at the ceiling. "Hey babe," Pepper said softly as she approached the bed.

Dane turned his head quickly towards Pepper. "Mummy…" He cried out. When Pepper reached out to him, tears were already running down his cheek. Pepper hugged him hard as he sobbed in her arms. She stayed there, reassuring him softly, gently caressing his back. Edna, still at the entrance of the room, watched them quietly.


Tony arrived in front of the office of Maria Hill, former director of the SHIELD, and entered without asking permission. "Where is Fury?" he shouted.

"Mister Stark," Maria welcomed him. "I'm glad to see you too." she said dryly.

Tony hammered his fist on her desk. "I don't have time for this, Hill."

"Tony, please calm down."

"There is no way I will calm down Maria! You all lied to me!" He yelled. "Jarvis ran the simulations and I'm sure you already know about Dane's abilities. That is exactly why you were keeping him under the radar."

"Yes Tony, we do know that Dane has vibranium in his body, and we do know that it is likely that he will develop strong physical aptitudes, especially due to his cell fast regeneration capacities."

"Why did you even hide all that from me? I've been working with you for many years now; I think I deserve that trust!"

"I'm sorry Tony, I really am. But you know that I wasn't in charge at that time, Fury was! And I've never been that keen on his methods but I have to admit that most of the time his actions are in the interest of the majority!"

"When did you find out?" He asked harshly.

"Few months after I took the direction of the SHIELD" she stated.

"Why didn't tell me, Maria?" He asked sadly.

Maria was surprised by his tone, rarely used to hearing Tony emotional. "It was too late. I didn't want to jeopardize the full mission, not knowing your reaction to all this."

"You really thought that I would never find out?!" he asked incredulously, then suddenly realizing, he added "What did you just say?! Mission? What mission are you talking about?"

At that moment, Fury entered Maria Hill's office.

"Stark, I didn't expect to see you here!"

"But I'm here and I'm waiting for answers." he said turning to face Maria again.

"Stark, your son could be the key…" Hill started.

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