话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 戏里人生戏外尝
本书标签: 现代  七月推荐  励志     





梁皖妮强颜欢笑:“I've never lied to you. Apart from my family, I only told you about it.”

“Aren't you leaving until the film we're both in is released?”

玛格丽特听到电话那头传来头发摩擦的声音,知道梁皖妮在摇头:“Sorry, I'm afraid I can't wait that long.”

玛格丽特有点失望:“All right. I'll send you a DVD. I hope we can still keep in touch when you arrive in China.”

“Of course.”

玛格丽特也情绪低落。她想了几秒,说:“Let me prepare a farewell ceremony for you.”

梁皖妮笑了:“Why do you always think about the farewell ceremony? It's not that we'll never meet again. Don't be so sad.”

“OK. Then let's get together for dinner before you leave.”

梁皖妮欣然同意:“All right. When will you be free?”

“I'll be free all day the day after tomorrow.”



一见面,玛格丽特就递给了她一个礼物盒:“A present for you. Open it.”


“When you see this watch, you will think of me.”

梁皖妮当场戴上手表:“Thank you. It's so exquisite.”

“You must always wear this watch. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll forget me.”玛格丽特嘟起了嘴。

梁皖妮被逗笑了:“You are my best friend. How could I forget you?”

“I trust you.”玛格丽特也笑了起来。

笑着笑着,玛格丽特又不开心了:“Even best friends can't stay together all the time.”

上一章 第一幕·七十二 戏里人生戏外尝最新章节 下一章 第一幕·七十四