话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 戏里人生戏外尝
本书标签: 现代  七月推荐  励志     



玛格丽特想了想:“They have always supported me. When I first said I wanted to be an actress, they were very excited because I finally dared to express myself in public. I was very introverted and timid when I was a child.”

梁皖妮感叹道:“I envy you. My parents don't understand me.”

玛格丽特勾着她的肩:“As long as you prove yourself, they will understand you.”

“You really know me. I think so as well.”

回到家里,梁皖妮说:“I'm going to start packing my bags.”

玛格丽特很奇怪:“Why? We live together and we are all very happy.”

梁皖妮解释:“Even if we don't live together, I'm happy to have you as a friend. But we live together to perform in a film. I can't live in your house like this all the time. We all have our own lives and work.”

玛格丽特点了点头:“You have a point. So... Shall I prepare a farewell party for you.”

梁皖妮被逗乐了:“Farewell party? Oh, I just moved out of your house. I'm not going to other cities or even other countries.”

“Would you?”玛格丽特反问。

梁皖妮愣住了:“Maybe... I don't care which country I am in, I care where I can get the stage I want.”



梁皖妮进来了,他随即说:“Do you realize it? Your contract is about to become due.”

梁皖妮点头:“I know.”

加文放下了合同:“Now that you know, let's get to the point. Would you like to stay here?”

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