话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 戏里人生戏外尝
本书标签: 现代  七月推荐  励志     



梁皖妮想了想说:“Good. Let's take a break and go out.”


玛格丽特问:“Which theater are you from?”

“Old Vic.”

“Oh, I'm from the Bridge Theater. Old Vic... Lawrence Oliver, who passed away three years ago, reached the peak of his career there. Uh... And Maggie Smith, I admire her so much... It's not because she has the same Christian name as me.”玛格丽特滔滔不绝地说。

梁皖妮很激动:“Do you like Dame Maggie Smith, too? I like her works very much. I think she is very modest and dedicated.”

“Come on. We can achieve that.”玛格丽特充满了自信。

又逛了一会,玛格丽特又问:“Have you ever thought about where you will perform in the future? Go back to Old Vic or stay on Broadway?”

“I'll go back to Old Vic first. If Broadway needs my opera, I'll stay. I don't care where to perform, as long as there is a play to play.”

“Well, I feel that my time at the Bridge Theater and Broadway is too short to stand firm. I'm going back to the Bridge Theater. I'd better lay a foundation in one place first.”


梁皖妮抬头看着天上闪烁的明星,说:“Let's not talk so far, let's talk about the present. What musicals and roles do you think we will play?”

玛格丽特歪着脑袋:“The Phantom Of the Opera? Cat? Whatever we play, just play it well.”


她算了算时间,说:“It's already half past eight. We should go back. Have a good rest tonight.”

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